Covery earns ISO 27001 certification!

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Covery earns ISO 27001 certification!

The idea behind Covery is that every online merchant should have their bases covered and be able to protect themselves from risky transactions, fraudsters, and scammers. The cornerstone of this idea is Trustchain — a global reputational knowledge base that stores 12 unique IDs for every customer, allowing to identify fraudsters on the fly and reducing losses to fraud by at least 80%. 

These IDs should be stored securely, just as any other sensitive business and customer data. In addition to continuously improving our information security management processes in accordance with the requirements of international InfoSec standards, we decided to certify our existing InfoSec systems according to ISO-27001.

ISO is short for the International Organization for Standardization, which unites 163 national standards organizations into a worldwide non-governmental independent entity. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard specifying best practices and security safeguards for managing information risks. 

To achieve this, we redesigned our internal information handling processes and implemented all the required workflows and best practices. This is not our only achievement, of course. Covery’s founding partner, Maxpay, has achieved PCI-DSS compliance in 2015 and regularly updates this certificate. We are also working to obtain other certifications, which will be announced in due time.

As of now, Covery is a certified risk management and payment processing platform for government-regulated financial institutions and any other online businesses. 

By receiving this certification, Covery has now proven that the ISMS (Information Security Management Systems) of our risk management and payment processing platforms are now fully compliant with the requirements of ISO 27001:2013 standard.

It clearly demonstrates that we take information security seriously. We have identified risks and have best practices in place to control and minimize them. This certification protects us from the adverse publicity that comes with security breaches. And it helps us satisfy tender or supply chain requirements and expand into new markets.

All our specialists understand how they contribute to the ISMS. Our approach, which promotes and recognizes the importance of information security, avoids confusion and ensures the security of the data we process, store and transmit.

Should you want to know more about the value Covery can deliver for your business — contact us for a free demo, we are always ready to help you fight fraud and mitigate risks!